Columbus Circle Holiday Market 2011

This holiday season come find designer/maker gifts from the Lil’ New Yorker at the seventh annual Columbus Circle Holiday Market - one of the most elegant and beautiful holiday markets in New York City. You’ll find all your holiday shopping needs for ages newborn to tweenies and boys & girls here.

Lil’ New Yorker is jointly owned by six Etsy artisans and proud members of The {NewNew}. They are: Overall Baby, M Voli E, Woolly Boo, Bugged Out, Valtline, and LA MUSE KALLIOPÊ.

Market Opening: November 30-December 24. Everyday: 10am-8pm; December 24 - until 4pm

Market Location: Area surrounding the Monument to the Maine statue at Central Park's Merchants Gate (southwest entrance to the Park, where Central Park West meets Central Park South-59th Street.)

How To: Create a Vision Board of your Dreams

Louise with her Vision Board for 2011

Have you created your 2011 Vision Board yet?

If not or you have no idea what a Vision Board is, read this "How To" post to start attracting the life of your dreams. No matter where you are now, using a vision board can help you focus and attract all the right things into your life in a fun creative way! Download this FREE info sheet to find out more.

Materials Needed
  • Thick card or poster board of any size. 
  • Magazines of all kinds (you never know where your visions will be found)
  • Glue – I like to use acrylic medium which is what I use in my mixed media creations – you can also use elmers glue or a regular glue stick.
  • White sage (optional)
  • Your favorite music – something restful to help your mind be quiet and open.
  • You can also do this alone, with family or a group of friends. 
Before You get started: Take part in a grounding ritual
    • Put on your favorite restful music 
    • Burn some white sage for purification in the air and to create a clear environment. (optional) 
    • Close your eyes and ask what you would like to invite into your life. Set the intent for the activity.

    Steps to creating your vision board
    1. Go through your magazines and start collecting images and words that resonate with you (don’t glue anything yet!).  Take your time, this is a powerful exercise to attract your visions. Spend a good few hours finding your images and words.

    2. Start to go through your images and lay them out on your board. This is a highly intuitive part of the exercise so feel free to move them about, take out ones that no longer feel right, you may see a theme starting to emerge.

    3. Firstly paste a photo of yourself, smiling happily to show the expression when all these things come true in your life.

    4. When you are ready, start to glue your images and words onto the board. You can also draw and add additional words yourself as you build your imagery.

    5. When you feel like you have completed your board, hang it somewhere prominent for you to see everyday.

    There’s no right or wrong way here, just go with your instincts and be open – this is the most important thing. You may be surprised with what comes out! There are also different kinds of Vision Boards, so download this FREE info sheet to learn more. 

    ADD COMMENTS BELOW: Let's share our Vision Boards! If you have blogged about your vision board or have a photo, why not post a link in the comments below. Also tell us what you think about Vision Boards and how they have helped you follow your dreams if you have used them before.


    A Few More Crafty Resolutions for 2011

    Happy New Year!   It's that resolution time of year and if you're anything like me your crafty life could use a resolution or two.  Here are five to get you started:
    Knock Knock Studio
    1. Get organized
    You can't work if your space is piled high in supplies. If you're organizationally challenged, check out some of our past Workspace Wednesday blogs for inspiration.  Get crafty when it comes to space saving and storage solutions turn tea boxes into drawer dividers or cans into pencil holders.  Optimize your storage space by using wall space.  I was inspired by a pegboard design in Ready Made magazine.
    Journal by BlueStitchBooks
    2. Use what you have before buying more
    How many times have you bought supplies only to find that you already had that item?  I do it all the time – I must have a dozen sets of number 8 knitting needles!  If you've got 8 balls of the same yarn – make a project with that first. Figure out what size brushes, needles or what color pencils you need before you buy another.   I’m writing a list of all the needles I have and keeping it on my iPhone ( I bet there’s an app for that).  Write down what colors you don't have in your silkscreen paints. Keep an easily tracked inventory if needed in a notebook if you are lo-tech.  Check out some of the journals available from The {NewNew}.
    Pillow by AlexandraFerguson

    3. Finish at least one unfinished project before tackling a new craft
    Many of us have multiple interests and mediums. If you spin and knit, finish spinning that skein and knitting that hat before moving on to a new embroidery project. Don't buy expensive screen-printing equipment when you've got 4 unfinished quilts sitting in the corner in a basket.  In other words, just say NO, temporarily that is!
    4. Donate unused supplies
    Did you decide that sewing was just not for you but still have a box of fabric? Give it to a nursing home. Tons of empty sketchbooks that you’re ignoring in favor of beadwork?  See if there's a daycare that can use the extra paper. Pastels a thing of the past? See if your local elementary school can use them.  Schools, nursing homes, and women's shelters are always good places to contact about donating supplies.
    5. Use your powers for good
    There are plenty of charities that accept handmade goods.  Sew up a stuffed toy and give it to the women's shelter. Knit some preemie hats and give them to a local hospital. For inspiration check out the hats The {NewNew} and visitors to the Maker Faire donated to Bronx-Lebanon Hospital last fall.
    Share your crafty resolution for 2011 with us!  We'd love to hear from you.