Make your own Value Cards

Value cards made by Louise

How can we live our life authentically if we don't understand what our values are? Today we are going to spend some time, identifying and re-connecting with our values, creating some artwork around them so we can keep them close by to remind us.

When you are aligned with your values and live your life with those in mind, you will feel fulfilled and energized. If values are not reflected in your work or daily life, if you are compromising your values, then you may feel resentful, frustrated and burned out.

Identifying values from anger

Think about the kind of things that have made you angry. What was happening? What is it about these situations that upset you the most? Write down your descriptions and flip them around - these can help you identify what you value. Anger can indicate a trampled value. When you are feeling unsatisfied and angry about something, chances are your values are not being honored.

Who do you Admire & Why?

Looking at people you admire - whether they are friends or people in the public eye can help you identify what your own core values are. It helps to think about what you admire in these people to help you unearth what means the most to you.

Deck of Value Cards

Creating a deck of Value cards (like the ones in the picture above) will help you consciously focus on one value at a time. You can simply use index cards, pictures and letters/words from magazines and bind them together using a binder ring or tie with a ribbon. Similar to when the newnew blog covered making a vision board, you can create mini cards to hang around your studio or bedroom.

  • Create a list of your values
  • Download the Values document to get you started.
  • You can use the exercises above related to anger and looking at what you admire in other people to create your list of your own values.
  • Choose 3-5 to create a card deck of your values. Feel free to create more if you wish. You will need:
    • Index cards/cardboard either 4x6 or 5x7 (pick a size that feels comfortable to you)
    • Magazines
    • Scissors
    • Glue
    • Hole punch (optional)
    • A binding ring or some ribbon

Louise Gale - Your Creative Career Consultant for The New New Blog

How To: Create a Vision Board of your Dreams

Louise with her Vision Board for 2011

Have you created your 2011 Vision Board yet?

If not or you have no idea what a Vision Board is, read this "How To" post to start attracting the life of your dreams. No matter where you are now, using a vision board can help you focus and attract all the right things into your life in a fun creative way! Download this FREE info sheet to find out more.

Materials Needed
  • Thick card or poster board of any size. 
  • Magazines of all kinds (you never know where your visions will be found)
  • Glue – I like to use acrylic medium which is what I use in my mixed media creations – you can also use elmers glue or a regular glue stick.
  • White sage (optional)
  • Your favorite music – something restful to help your mind be quiet and open.
  • You can also do this alone, with family or a group of friends. 
Before You get started: Take part in a grounding ritual
    • Put on your favorite restful music 
    • Burn some white sage for purification in the air and to create a clear environment. (optional) 
    • Close your eyes and ask what you would like to invite into your life. Set the intent for the activity.

    Steps to creating your vision board
    1. Go through your magazines and start collecting images and words that resonate with you (don’t glue anything yet!).  Take your time, this is a powerful exercise to attract your visions. Spend a good few hours finding your images and words.

    2. Start to go through your images and lay them out on your board. This is a highly intuitive part of the exercise so feel free to move them about, take out ones that no longer feel right, you may see a theme starting to emerge.

    3. Firstly paste a photo of yourself, smiling happily to show the expression when all these things come true in your life.

    4. When you are ready, start to glue your images and words onto the board. You can also draw and add additional words yourself as you build your imagery.

    5. When you feel like you have completed your board, hang it somewhere prominent for you to see everyday.

    There’s no right or wrong way here, just go with your instincts and be open – this is the most important thing. You may be surprised with what comes out! There are also different kinds of Vision Boards, so download this FREE info sheet to learn more. 

    ADD COMMENTS BELOW: Let's share our Vision Boards! If you have blogged about your vision board or have a photo, why not post a link in the comments below. Also tell us what you think about Vision Boards and how they have helped you follow your dreams if you have used them before.
