NewNew Treasuries on Etsy

I have a joke for you today: How many computers does it take to write a blog post? If I actually get this up on the internet, the answer is 4...well, 3 and an iPad. And you have to crash one of the computers. Today is off to a great start!

So! Let's talk NewNew Treasuries! Treasuries are lists of items, curated by Etsy members. You can be a seller or a buyer to create them - treasuries don't discriminate! It's a fun way to bring items that you're interested together under a theme. Think of them as a bit like Pinterest but just for Etsy.

Well, we have a whole team of members who put these lists together each day. I'm giving them a virtual high-5 right now. Perhaps it's just me but these lists are time consuming & these ladies & gentlemen crank them out. They deserve props.

How do you find them? On the Etsy homepage, you can navigate to the Treasuries front page (scroll down, check the left hand column). Once there, search "newnewteam" and VOILA! Treasuries appear from your fave NewNew peeps & including NewNew sellers. You can favorite a treasury, "like" it on Facebook, tweet about it, or if there are just a few items you like, you can "heart" them right there on the treasury. Don't forget to comment!

Here are a few recent lists. Sorry for the lack of visuals. Refer to paragraph one.

Hello Autumn by lamusekalliope
October Birthstone by ChelseaRainbow
Autumn Wool by asterknot
Civil Disobedience on the The Brooklyn Bridge by dslookkin

We cover all topics as you can see. So, come check out our awesome treasuries! I promise I'll be back with stunning visuals in the next post. This really doesn't do our team justice. Gotta run before I crash my second computer before lunch...

Monday Morning {NewNew} Treasury!

After what turned out to be a humid and hot weekend (with just a little bit of refreshing rain) I'm sure many of us, myself included, are looking forward to some chillier days ahead.

Using this as inspiration, here is a Monday morning {NewNew} Treasury - 'Chill out with The {NewNew}' !!

Want to find more stuff made by our team on Etsy? Use the keyword 'newnewteam' in the main search and you'll have pages and pages of beautiful handmade items to browse....(good excuse to stay in the comfort of your air conditioning, huh?)...ahhh, cooler days ahead.

Browse other {NewNew} treasuries by visiting our Etsy Team Page Treasury thread!

'chill out with The {NewNew}' by sansmap off from this city heat with The {NewNew}!!

4 Salvaged Slate Coaste...

Pocket Bunny (Shadow) -...

Shoulder Bag - The Jack...

Upcycled Phone Case Fro...

Light Blue and Gray Mim...

Mini Modern Rock in Ste...

re-purposed vintage woo...

Graphic tee shirt silks...

Grey iPhone Case - gadg...

Grayscale Monochromatic...

Parisian Gray Crocheted...

8x10 Matted Photograph,...

Snowy Benches - 8x12 ma...

5x5 matted photography ...

Airplane in the Clouds ...

handmade art deco neckl...

Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.

Do you want to create a screenshot of your own Etsy treasury or one that you want to re-post on your blog or website?
Visit the Etsy HTML code generator (courtesy of whale shark website)
It adds all the links and photos for you!! Simply copy the Treasury ID, select the size you prefer and paste it into the generator, and voila! you're ready to grab your code! Pretty cool, right?

Happy Monday!

Handmade Bags & Accessories

Free {NewNew} Swag Bag - Sneak preview!

When was the last time you got something for nothing? Like...a beautiful screen printed tote bag with free stuff and coupons inside?

(...yes, that's them below!)
(want to see them in the making? Check out the post "Getting Ready for the Spring Cavalcade")

We've done it again loyal shoppers! Over 40 amazing {NewNew} vendors are participating in this year's annual Spring Handmade Cavalcade. We have put together 100 (yes, 100!!) swag bags that contain handmade products, coupons and giveaways that will be free to the first 100 people through the door this Saturday at our event!
(...I heard that last year there was a line around the block!)

Say what? did hear me correctly. Free bag, free stuff. (and did I mention they were screen printed by hand?). We love you guys that much.

Keeping in {NewNew} style, each of the bags will be different and unique, just like us. You'll have to wait and see what you get - don't you love surprises?

So maybe your swag bag will have items in it from Leslie of AstorKnot, who makes cute tote bags....

or perhaps something from Martin, of AdornmentsNYC, who designs stunning jewelry?

Beth from BShorr Handmade, who designs knitwear, is contributing several gadget cozies!

Hop on over to our Spring Handmade Cavalcade website to learn more and to see a list of participating vendors!

When: Saturday May 7th (10am-5pm)
Where: 'Slate' in the Flatiron district of Manhattan
What: Handmade shopping, food, music, drinks and fun!!

...and, if you're not one of the first 100 lucky shoppers to receive a free swag bag, you'll still be eligible to win one of 5 raffle swag bags (with even more stuff inside!). You are eligible for one raffle entry for each purchase you make at the event - don't forget to hand in your ticket near the door for your chance to win. Good luck and happy shopping!

Tell your friends you're attending the event on Facebook:

Keep up to date and in the loop, follow the event on Twitter:

The {NewNew} on Facebook - if you like us, then 'like' us!
Here's our new page:

See you on Saturday! :)

My Favorite Things: Metallics

I love the favorites tool on Etsy. It is an excellent enabler of all things procrastination. I like to follow {NewNew} artisans' Etsy favorites, and see where I end up. It's like following a trail of artistic breadcrumbs through a crafty forest. Let's get started:

The flashes of silver in this Black Geometric Brocade w/ Black Faux Leather Purse from Jes Switaj make it extra fancy. Her fancy favorite:

...the deco swirl on this Grey Silkscreen t-shirt from KimmChi. She likes...

...this sterling silver Circle of Key Ring from JDavisStudio.

Voila! What are some of your favorite {NewNew} items? Post a link to your favorite in the comment section and I'll select one as the starting point for my next stroll through the crafty forest.

Sue De
made for you

Get By With A Little Help

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us." ~ Epicurus, Greek philosopher

Friendship Pack Mini Bean Bag Dolls, from HoneyPieTree

Winter in the tri-state area so far has been cold, damp, and seemingly determined to last for quite some time. Whenever I find myself cussing at the dark that descends way too early, my first instinct is to reach out to a friend and make a little bright spot in the evening. Whether its drinks, dinner, a movie, or crafting in companionable silence, we all find ways to remain connected and to draw on the support our connections provide.

Making New Friends, from Malathip

The {NewNew} is a vibrant collective of cross-discipline handmade artists devoted to supporting one another in developing our creative and business potential within the New York tri-state area. We share the tremendous resources New York City has to offer, mentor new craft business owners, and seek out new marketplace and business opportunities for our highly eclectic membership.

The aspect of the {NewNew} team I most enjoy however is the sense of community. I know if I'm struggling with how to take better pictures for my Etsy shop, need a table at the last minute for a street fair, or simply want words of encouragement for a new venture, someone in the group will have an idea or even a possible solution.

Secret Handshakes print, from My Zoetrope

Lets Be Friends recycled felt pillow, from Alexandra Ferguson

As a team, we work well together to make events like our Spring Handmade Cavalcade and our Governor's Island Handmade Treasure Chest pop-up shop -- both happening again this year -- great places to shop for truly unique handmade goods. I like to think the care we take in supporting each other is reflective of the care each of us takes in crafting our items.

Finmore and Finley, from McFlashPants

Perhaps that's why shopping with the {NewNew} on Etsy sometimes feels like hanging out with an old friend. It's familiar, but you still don't know what they might say to surprise you.

I Ate Paste Blue Print, from LennyMud

Click here to spend a little time with some friends from the {NewNew} on Etsy.

Sue De
made for you

Welcome the New Year Warmly

Most of the East Coast is blanketed in snow, and though the weather is supposed to get slightly warmer later this week, New Year's Eve is still going to be pretty cold. So why not stay pretty warm with The {NewNew}?

Who doesn't love a hood?
BetterThanJam has a couple of different color
combos for sale in her shop.

This winter white scarf is perfect for fireworks.
From UndergroundCrafter.

If you're headed to a fancy party, but want to stay
toasty, this scarf from EllisDesign
just might do the trick.

Baby's first New Year? Make sure
the little one stays warm with this
hat and vest set from BurryBabies.

Perfect for a rockin' good
New Year's Eve! From JuliaEmily.

As luck would have it, these are on
"blizzard sale" at Knitting Guru

Want more options? Shop local with The {NewNew} -- just search "newnewteam" and "scarf," "hat," or "gloves" -- and you'll have everything you need to ring in the New Year in style and comfort.

Sue De
made for you