Tigers and Pirates on Governors Island
On Saturday June 5th Governors Island will open its gates to the public and kick off the season with Family Day! The {NewNew} will celebrate this event by offering free face painting and coloring pages from 12 noon to 4 p.m. at the KidsFest going on at Colonel Row. Coloring pages were drawn by May Luk Cowell and Virginia Kraljevik of the {NewNew} team.
Don't forget to visit the NewNew Treasure Chest pop-up store at Nolan Park 6b, only five minutes from the Governors Island ferry terminal. It's easy to find us, from the ferry terminal walk up the hill and turn left, walk past Fort Jay and head left towards the Commanding Officer's House at the entrance to Nolan Park. The Treasure Chest is just a few houses into the park on the left.
If you can't join us on Saturday, you can still be with us in spirit by throwing your own, private face painting party. Here are some links to instructions for the perfect party face:
- Shana's YouTube videos provide simple, clear instructions on how to paint a tiger face and a butterfly.
- About.com offers up some face painting stencils if you don't feel too comfortable painting images free hand.
- For inspiration, check out this gallery of designs.