The {NewNew} gets a new look!
Wow, that's a mouthful! This summer, the {NewNew} has gotten a face lift. We asked the most talented people we know - our members - to interpret what the team means and to design a logo that reflects those sentiments for us to use in all of our promotional materials, website and social networks. After weeks of anticipation, I couldn't of been more pleased with the submissions that showed up in my inbox! Thank you all who participated! Take a look at what our members came up with:
Submissions by Kerry from K Batty Design and Stationary, Ami from Ami Nyitray Designs, and Jacqueline from ChealseaRainbow. Click the logos to see who designed it!
And, our Winner! Designed by the very talented Courtney Webb of webbedware. We're so proud at how the {NewNew} is represented!
Which one is your favorite?