MEET the ARTISAN: Naturally Susan's Skin Care + GIVEAWAY

"MEET the ARTISAN" is a blog series that spotlights Etsy New York Team artisans and their craft. In this feature, we learn more about Susan, the creator of Naturally Susan's artisan skin care.  I had the pleasure of sitting down with Susan and picking her brain. Susan and I have worked at Celebrate Brooklyn together so it is always nice to catch up with her.

Q: What is Naturally Susan's? Can you briefly describe your business for us?

A: Naturally Susan’s products are about skin-healthy and they're about versatility. They're about simplifying our lives and making our lives easier. I used to travel a great deal for business so simplifying my beauty routine and my travel bag whether I was going from day to evening, to the gym, shopping or on vacation are fundamental to the products that I develop. My products are effective, long lasting, and versatile. And, most importantly, my products are about being kind to your body.

Q: Some artisans develop their products to meet consumer needs, while others craft products based on things and/or experiences that inspire them. What is the inspiration behind your business?

A: I started making skin care products for myself because I wanted chemical-free and fragrance-free beauty care suitable for my sensitive skin. Our skin absorbs about 60% of what we put on it, so it’s important to keep that in mind when choosing the right skin care. I found an abundance of toxins and chemicals in many products, so I started researching and developing my own, creating products that are as pure to nature as possible.

Q: Oftentimes, each artisan has a different strategy and objective for their business. What are the next steps for you and your business?

A: The next steps for my business is to further broaden my audience and expand my business. I've continued to work with great partners so that we can grow together, domestically and internationally.

Q: Can you tell us some of the partners you have made? Retail stores where we can find your product? 

A: Some of the business partners that I continue to work with includes Artists & Fleas. Partnering with them through their markets in both the Williamsburg, Brooklyn and Chelsea Market locations has helped to increase my brand exposure globally. I've also continued to work with local spas, schools, and nonprofit organizations to support businesses with philosophies and causes that align with my brand mission. You can shop my products on my Etsy shop and my e-commerce website at Also, select Naturally Susan's products are available at Artists & Fleas curated online shop and StopTHINKShop's GOODstuff Holiday Pop Up, a social good pop up shop at 103 Allen Street, in the Lower East Side, during this holiday season. There are a number of things in progress, and I look forward to sharing more news soon.

Q: As many artisans look to grow and further develop their businesses, do you have some advice that you can share with fellow artisans?

A: I’ve learned that if you’re passionate about something, it’s worth exploring. And, whether you're just starting your business or have been in business for some time, it's important to join a collaborative network. The level and diversity of experience in the networks are broad and deep and the knowledge that can be garnered benefits both budding and experienced entrepreneurs. 

Special thanks to Susan for sharing with us. You can find her products showcased on her Etsy shop at Susan is also selling this month at the following markets: Artists & Fleas, Exhale Spa, Etsy NY's Holiday Handmade Cavalcade at Chelsea Market, and more, so please check out her calendar at And we didn't forget about her giveaway!  The details of her special product GIVEAWAY are below. Enter for your chance to win HERE!

Roll On Moisturizers & Natural Perfumes 3-Pack Gift Set

Retail value: $63.00

WIN the set! Packaged in convenient roll on applicators, our natural perfumes are made with a blend of essential oils to stimulate, calm and heal. They're noncomedogenic, fast-absorbing, and versatile so they can be used as moisturizers too! Pop these into your purses, carry-on bags, and gym bags…they'll be all you need when you're on the go! 

Gift set includes three (3) roll on moisturizers & natural perfumes:

  • 1 - Lavender Chamomile
  • 1 - Rose Patchouli
  • 1 - Ylang Ylang

Gift packaged in a white gift box with green ribbon. Patch test for skin sensitivity. Results may vary.

This is perfect for the holiday season! Can I enter even though I did the interview? 

Enter to WIN HERE

Entry period ends at 11:59pm on Monday, December 15, 2014!


DIY: Advent Calendar Banner

It seems as if the year flew by and yes, the holidays are already so close!!! For those who celebrate, here’s an easy DIY advent calendar. It can be adapted for both Christian and Jewish celebrants, just change your colors a bit. Best of all, it’s so easy, kids will enjoy working on it with you! So gather your supplies and start working, you’ll need:

* Scrapbook paper with two different patterns

* Mini paper bags (the amount depends on how many advent days you celebrate)

* Baker’s twine (or some sort of thin cord)

* Hole punch

* Paper scissors

* Glue

* Printer

* Odd and even number designs

1. Print out the 2 designs, odd and even numbers, on your scrapbook paper. Make sure your scrapbook paper fits your printer (you can cut it to about 8.5’ wide) and that you place it correctly in order to print on the patterned side of the paper. Cut each number along the dotted lines.

2. Use your punch hole to make two holes on each paper bag, one hole at each top corner. If your bags are too long, you can simply fold them back to make them a bit shorter (that’s what I did for mine as I wanted each to be square) Glue the numbers to the bags, here’s where the kids can start to help!

3. Put the banner together by threading the baker’s twine through each hole. Hang, fill each bag with a small treat every day and enjoy! By the way, what favorite treat would you stuff in these little bags? Comment below!!!

This is a perfect project to work on during this coming Thanksgiving weekend. Have fun and as always, keep an eye on the little ones as they use scissors. Happy holidays!

Natasha K.



HEALTHY & BEAUTY: Prep Your Body for the Holidays

We're all busy. And, we seem to be getting busier every day, leaving us less time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With the holidays fast approaching, more travel, family gatherings and social engagements often fill our already full calendars. Yet, when that happens, it's even more important to find ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  

So, how are you prepping your body for the holidays? Here are some tips that may help: 

1. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is important to maintain proper bodily functions and to flush toxins from the body. When exercising or traveling, it's important to drink even more water to replenish our bodies since exercise and dryer environments can deplete more essential fluids. 

2. Exercise. We admit that we're not the most diligent about following a regular exercise routine, yet we're constantly on the move when it comes to our market life. So, whether you enjoy jogging, swimming, or practicing yoga, continue exercising to keep your body active and in shape.

3. Eat right. Fill your plates with more fruits, fish and nuts. Fruits such as berries are high in antioxidant vitamins like A and C, and consuming more fish and nuts such as almonds that are rich in essential fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and keep the body healthy. 

4. Get eight hours of sleep. Can we tell when we've gotten at least eight hours of sleep? Of course we can. We look and feel younger and more refreshed!

So, stay healthy this holiday season. We wish you a wonderful time with your family and friends!

published by Susan Ng / /