HEALTH & BEAUTY: The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

When February arrives, we think of chocolate! Maybe it’s because of Valentine’s Day? Actually…it’s probably because we’re always thinking of chocolate. But not just any type of chocolate. Dark chocolate!

Milk and white chocolate are higher in sugar and fillers, while dark chocolate typically has a higher cacao (cocoa) content that has been touted for its health benefits.

So, how can something that tastes so good be good for us? It’s all in the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant power of flavonoids. Dark chocolate with higher cacao content has been shown to have various health benefits that include the following:

  • reduce stress
  • enhance mood
  • lower cholesterol
  • increase cardiovascular blood flow

The higher cacao content does lend to a more bitter taste. Despite that, we still prefer dark chocolate with 65% to 90% cacao. The higher the better for our tastes. While tempting to start loading up on dark chocolate for its health benefits, remember to consult your medical practitioner to address any specific medical needs.

For us, we’ll continue to toast to our health with more dark chocolate. Cheers!

published by Susan Ng | |

HEALTH & BEAUTY: Beauty Care Gifts for Him and for Her

We're all guilty of it. Guilty of holiday-shopping procrastination. We wait until the very last minute and fight the crowds to get through our holiday wish list. 

Well, if beauty care products are on your gift list, we've got you covered. We previously conducted a survey * that offered us some insights into the ideal beauty care gifts for Her and for Him. 

Here's what our survey participants said:

Gifts for Her: 

  • Gift Cards
  • Facial Moisturizers
  • Packaged Assortments

Gifts for Him:

  • Cologne
  • Aftershave lotion
  • Gift Cards

We hope this helps you get through your check list! And, we wish you a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!

Susan Ng / /

* unscientific survey

HEALTHY & BEAUTY: Prep Your Body for the Holidays

We're all busy. And, we seem to be getting busier every day, leaving us less time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With the holidays fast approaching, more travel, family gatherings and social engagements often fill our already full calendars. Yet, when that happens, it's even more important to find ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  

So, how are you prepping your body for the holidays? Here are some tips that may help: 

1. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is important to maintain proper bodily functions and to flush toxins from the body. When exercising or traveling, it's important to drink even more water to replenish our bodies since exercise and dryer environments can deplete more essential fluids. 

2. Exercise. We admit that we're not the most diligent about following a regular exercise routine, yet we're constantly on the move when it comes to our market life. So, whether you enjoy jogging, swimming, or practicing yoga, continue exercising to keep your body active and in shape.

3. Eat right. Fill your plates with more fruits, fish and nuts. Fruits such as berries are high in antioxidant vitamins like A and C, and consuming more fish and nuts such as almonds that are rich in essential fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and keep the body healthy. 

4. Get eight hours of sleep. Can we tell when we've gotten at least eight hours of sleep? Of course we can. We look and feel younger and more refreshed!

So, stay healthy this holiday season. We wish you a wonderful time with your family and friends!

published by Susan Ng / /