What was the best holiday gift you have received?

When we’re kids the gifts we ask for are largely influenced by television. I can still recite all the words to My Buddy and feel the sense of loss at never having had one despite the fact that, thinking back, I always thought he was kind of creepy. It sure was a catchy tune though! Aside from the occasional She-Ra Cloud Castle or Popple that we dragged around everywhere (much to our parents dismay) a lot of the gifts from those early years are forgettable.

As time goes on we stop seeing our parents as bringers of stuff and things and begin to see them more the way we see Grandma…as a dispenser of cash. It’s not because we’re greedy. It’s because that’s what we need most at that time in our lives. How will you get through college if you can’t buy coffee and burritos?

This is generally followed by a brief, well-meaning, but delusional stage when we inform our friends and family that all we want for the holidays is their Love. This is a confusing time for many and, while you do mean it, you’re not doing anyone any favors. Your loved ones are going to get you something regardless and now they have no idea where to start. While you run the risk that everyone will take you seriously and you’ll get nothing but Love. That’s great and all but, let’s face it people, Love doesn’t keep the snow from getting under your coat collar and trickling freezing torture liquid down to the small of your back. That’s SCARVES! Scarves do that.

Now that I’m an adult I think I finally get how this whole thing works and, after interviewing some of the awesome vendors from the upcoming Holiday Cavalcade I think I can safely say that all great gifts fit into one of three catagories…

1. Gifts that help us find our way - Jean of Fiber Dance Weaving Studio tells us about the 35mm camera she got in high school, "Having such a great camera allowed me to explore my creativity in a way I never had before. I went on to make photography my career. (...) Eventually, I found my way to weaving, a craft which I believe has many similarities to photography.  Not only is weaving a wonderful collaboration between man and machine (looms do have a mind and a personality of their own) but also, because I never really know what I've got until I pull a woven piece off the loom, there's a good bit of mystery and anticipation involved, as well. So now, instead of envisioning things in black and white and using different papers and chemical processes to achieve my objective, I am working with colors and fibers, and adding a whole new dimension (literally) to my creative process, while continuing a way of life that all started with the gift of a camera."

2. Gifts that make our lives easier - Karina makes tons of cool toys and coloring books for kids in her shop Windows Of Agate, but with all the work she puts into her creations it's got to be hard to find time for anything else. That's why this gift was so spot on, "When I received a standing mixer from my husband the Christmas after my second child was born, I was elated! I was sleep-deprived and overwhelmed, and getting the standing mixer did wonders to my lofty goal of baking cookies for all my neighbors." 

Besides being incredibly thoughtful, and making the lives of the recipients better in some way these gifts share one more thing in common. The third and, what I consider to be, the most important category...

3. Gifts that show us we are loved - Sayo from Sarustar Jewelry says, "my favorite holiday gift to date is a marshmallow robot from my boyfriend. He presented it to me at dinner on our second date, a few days before Christmas and a few days after I had mentioned in passing that I would like to own a marshmallow robot. (I don't remember why I wanted one) Anyway, my marshmallow robot has red eyes that light up while he spins around and around... and he is made out of a marshmallow, and he is awesome."

Find your special holiday gift at the upcoming Holiday Handmade Cavalcade.

Jessica Alpern

What's the shape of your love?

What’s the shape of your love? The Carnival of Love Foundation coined the word “loveprint” to signify that our love is as unique as our fingerprint, coming in many colors, shapes and sizes, and despite our differences, it’s the one thing that truly unites us all. They named their campaign: “What’s the shape of your love?” asking people to pause and reflect on the significance of their lives in spreading love and light to others. What imprint will you leave in this world?

The Carnival of Love Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization who believes that all children deserve the right to a happy and fulfilled life and are dedicated to raising awareness and funds to support abandoned, orphaned, abused, neglected, and terminally ill children around the world. The organization is founded on the principles that we all have the power to make a difference in this world, and that by sharing light, love and hope with underprivileged children we can make a significant impact on their lives and pave the way for a brighter future.

Originally the organization started off as a community project from a leadership program, then a group of long-time friends got together and transformed the project into a fun and festive fundraiser. The group, feeling blessed to have experienced the benefits of growing up in a close-knit, supporting and loving community of family and friends, felt that every child deserved the same right.

After much research, the Foundation chose to support the tremendous efforts of SOS Children's Villages, the largest orphan charity in the world. The SOS Children’s Villages is an international, non-governmental social development organization that has been active in the field of children's rights and committed to children's needs since 1949. The villages assist children, worldwide, that have either lost their parents or who cannot be raised by their biological family by offering them an emotionally stable, family-like environment throughout their lives, especially during the challenging years of transition into adulthood. They are known for creating lasting relationships with the children and being there to cherish the various milestones in their lives. For more information visit:

On Friday, February 27, 2009, The Carnival of Love Foundation will host its Second Annual “Apokries” Carnival of Patras, Greece Fundraiser to benefit the children of SOS Children's Villages of Greece. Central Lounge will transform into a fantasy-like Carnival playground complete with breath-taking entertainment, elaborately costumed performers, and raffle giveaways. There will also be courtyard festivities including cotton candy, popcorn, candy apples, face painters, photo booths, caricature artists and more.

History of the Patras Carnival or Patrino Carnavali

The Patras Carnival is the largest carnival event in Greece and the biggest in Europe, with more than 160 years of history. The events begin on January 17th and lasts up to Clean Monday also known as Pure Monday, Ash Monday, or Monday of Lent. The Patras Carnival is a variety of events that includes balls, parades, hunting of hidden treasure, kids’ carnival etc. The last weekend of Carnival consists of parades of carnival groups, floats and a closing ceremony. With an effort to bring this wonderful Greek tradition to NY, and the ideas of spreading love and raising money for children, the Carnival of Love Foundation has incorporated Patras Carnival’s cultural traditions and made it the theme for a monumental fundraising event.

WOW- did you know?

WOW stands for World-Orphan-Week - from February 9th-15th- an annual fundraising event during which everyone is invited to have fun and help orphaned and abandoned children by 'wearing something WOW' for one day and donating to SOS Children, the world's largest orphan charity. By participating in World-Orphan-Week, and encouraging others to do so, you can help SOS Children give orphaned and abandoned children a new mother, home and family … for life!

With that said put on a crazy outfit, preferably something colorful and head over to a wonderful fundraising event!

Carnival of Love Foundation
Central Sushi Bar and Lounge
February 27th, 2009
Doors open at 10pm
20-30 Steinway street, Astoria, Queens
Admissionis $30 at the door which includes a drink pass, masquerade mask, and access to all carnival festivities in the courtyard.
Pre-event tickets can be purchased for $25 by calling 646-717-7113 or by emailing rsvp@carnivaloflove.org

There will be a courtyard full of festivities, also I will be there vending for the charity. The Carnival of Love Foundation has asked me to design bracelets for the Foundation that represent their charity, theme colors, the carnival, and their logo.

Buy Handmade

Did I mention that there will be raffle prizes? All event tickets purchased in advance enter you into the raffle prizes. The grand prize is a flat screen HD television, the full prize list is TBA soon! For all you handmade lovers, some of the members of the NewNew have volunteered to donate beautiful raffle prizes!

Thank you everyone for all your support and LOVE! Hope to see you all there!


The {NewNew} Handmade Valentines

Want to give something meaningful this Valentine's Day?

Etsy is partnering with City Meals on Wheels to deliver hot meals to 18,000 elderly in our area and on top of that - they want to brighten their day with YOUR handmade Valentine's cards. For details on how youc an particpate - visit The Storque for instuctions. Too late to make and send you Valentine? You can always donate directly to here!

Thanks so much to Groundsel, Jack Blue Hand Bags, Jantar, Waisze, MSwedowsky and Kokalaki Jewelry for making and donating these fantastically unique cards to the elderly in our area.
