Snowflake Gift Wrap - Download Exclusive Design
The NewNew continues to ramp up our plans for our Handmade Holiday Calvacade at the Knitting Factory on December 6th from 10am-5pm, with our handmade gift wrap option. The gift wrap table will be manned by volunteers from the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition - NYC Chapter, with the proceeds going to their cause.
The gift wrap is hand screen-printed on brown craft paper with a snowflake pattern designed especially for the occassion. Each snowflake was designed by a different vendor. Perhaps you can guess which ones after checking out our individual styles:
AdornmentsNYC, Allene la Spina, bshorr, Blue Stitch Books, bungaloe, Caja, Cakehouse, Citibitz, fubabee, Ikyoto, Jantar, J Davis Studio, Karen's Monsters, KimmChi, La Pistolera, Lingua Nigra, Look Closely Press, Luck(x4), MayLuk, mshoelace, Pulp Sushi, Sarah Kathleen Warner, Red Bridge Studio, and wabisabibrooklyn.
To finish off the look, the bows will be tied with white vintage lace or contrasting satin ribbon at your request.
Out of the NYC Metro Area, or just can't wait to start wrapping your presents? Download our exclusive snowflake design here, and check out the screen-printed gift wrap tutorial on The Storque.