Meet Our Sponsor: Shop Local with Etsy

If you're like me, you are finding yourself in a mild panic by now because the holiday shipping deadline for most online retailers is upon you. At this point, there is no way I can get a Christmas gift to my brother in Germany in time except. . . if I use Etsy's Shop Local feature.

As you probably know, Etsy is a global online marketplace that provides a way for people to "Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade." So let's say you are an exchange student in Brussels interning with the European Union and you need to find a great gift for your college roommate who lives in Queens. And, it has to get there in, let's say three days. And, faced with your student loans there is no way you can pay $75 in express shipping. To solve this dilemma, just log on to Etsy and you'll see the friendly front page. On the left side of the site is a box listing ways to shop. Click Shop Local.

This will take you to the Shop Local page.

In the text box, enter where you want to shop. In our example that would be Queens, New York. Click Search Location.

Look at all those pretty things you can buy from vendors located in Queens, New York.

Scroll through the shops, find something special like a pretty silver necklace from Irene C. Studio. Since shipping from Queens to Queens shouldn't take more than a day or two, your college roommate will receive a one-of-a-kind gift from you in time for the holidays without incurring huge shipping fees. But be sure to double-check the vendors' shipping policies, just in case. Oh, and did I mention that your purchase supported the local economy?

For more information about this feature, check out this Etsy article.

Happy Shopping.
