Before and After: the Treasure Chest at Governors Island

Who doesn't love a before & after?  Well, I for one simply love transformations of all sorts and that is why I am going to take you on a little adventure from the very beginning of our Governors Island project to now!

Governors Island, you ask?  You know, that lovely little island just off of Manhattan -- just a free five minute ferry away.  What's there you ask?  Among the beautiful tree-lined roads and turn of the century houses, The {NewNew} and Etsy proudly present to you the Treasure Chest, a shop full of locally handmade treasures (from jewelry and home decor, to artwork, clothing, and more!).

Day 1.  We scouted the place out.

Day 2. We explored and measured.

Day 3.  We moved into to our summer home.

Days 4 and so forth.  We decorated!
And decorated...
Until finally... drumroll please...
Ta Dah!

We welcome you to the Treasure Chest - where each weekend the artisans themselves are at the shop to answer your questions about their craft, our shop, our Etsy Street Team, and even New York.

Open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from now until September 5th!  Stop by and say hello!
And for more info, please go here.

Reported by
Virginia Kraljevic