Do you "like" NYC, as in you "like" to breathe? Did you come from another place (in my case, Boston) and realize you'd been holding your breath for all those years and could finally exhale? Do you want to rip the heads off telephone customer service workers who waste your time with too many "pleases," and "thank yous" and especially "ma'ams"? Have you memorized the times all the museums are free, er,
pay what you wish? Do you wonder if there is any other city where people feel it's OK to clip their nails on public transportation? Have you never been to the top of the Empire State Building unless it was with your class? Then you, my friend, are a real New Yorker.
Here is a selection of items that pay homage to the Greatest City on Earth! All of these crafters will be participating in the {NewNew}
Holiday Handmade Cavalcade, yet another reason why New York City rocks!!
Let's start off with this print by
VirginiaKraljevic. I love how she captures the city's textures.

One of the best ways to experience NYC is to ride a bus with your head out the window looking up. So many beautiful architectural details are above ground floors. And what is it about water towers that is so compelling? Maybe it's their cheerfulness, as evident in
MyZoetrope's card!
CityBitz has a wonderful collection of NYC photos turned into jewelry, wall art, and more!
ApertureAgog uses embroidery to create graffiti over this photo printed onto fabric!

For the wee ones, this art wallet from
WindowsofAgate comes with crayons, paper, a coloring book and more, all in a compact fabric carrying case!

Show your Brooklyn pride with
Caja's nameplate, created out of reclaimed silver!
CardsinStitches has taken street art from Williamsburgh to create a set of note cards with 10 different designs!
OwlidayInn turns a 1939 World's Fair souvenir token into wearable art!

You may wonder what this purse is doing in a NYC collection. Would you believe
Groundsel made it using delivery sleeves from the New York Times?!

Finally, while she is not participating in the Cavalcade, I am in love with
warpeDesign's ingenious lampshade.

See you at the Cavalcade!