Trying Keep it Natural for Your Pets
I have a very cute and fun cat with a problem. She only is nice to me, this started about a year ago and I would have never known if one of the cat feeding group ( yes I'm very lucky to have this group in my building) hadn't told me Sugar was acting differently. Shortly after that on her yearly visit to the vet she bit the assistant, broke her skin and HAS A RECORD! They have to report this type of thing.
I forgot to mention Sugar is a polydactyl girl. You can see her thumb if you look closely.
After the neighbor and vet incident I started to look into some calming remedies for when she was going to experience anyone aside from me even though I mentioned to her biting or hissing at the hand that feeds you isn't a good idea. First I tried Rescue Remedy a flower essence combination. It apparently worked until my neighbor tried to pet her. The vet suggested Comfort Zone feliway, a pheromone spray for stress reduction. Again a sort of solution as long as no one got into her space . A homeopath suggested Straphysagria which works if given a day or two before if I know in advance. Apparently herbs work but not as quickly as homeopathy or flower essences (be sure to get non alchohol varieties of anything) and they don't taste good. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are also recommended but not along with homeopathy as they are too similar. Unfortunately I still have to give her drugs before going to the vet.
Hey I'm just a normal kitty!
Yesterday in the laundry room I found a copy of Dr, Pritcairn's Natural Health for Dogs & Cats and now have many more things to try. Sugar's diet has for the last 7 years been perfect according to them. She's been eating a raw food diet though I have no idea what she ate before or how old she is.
It seems she may need to play more. During the rest of the years she goes outside on a lead on my terrace. Then she chases bugs etc. Thankfully there are no bugs inside but it's been hard engaging her with the variety of things we do have here..Strings, balls, feathers all are fun for a short period. Suggestions welcome.
For now waiting for Spring to arrive and hoping that this behavior goes as quickly as it came.
I just want to be out here playing with bugs and watching birds fly by.