Summer Color Palettes
With warm weather, gardening and numerous outdoor events, comes a whole feeling of revival. Being an indie business designer I work closely to seasonal timelines. This past spring I started working on my summer product. Sometimes it is a challenge creating palettes for the warm weather when it is still in the 40's but magazines are my savior. Summer is a time when you can really go bold with however you apply color; your interiors, your garden, your clothing, or sometimes individual things like a new set of bathroom towels, new pillows, new napkins.
I have quite the collection of pantone chips from my days as a mens sportswear designer. It's nice to have a visual and helps me keep focused. Once I start sewing I tend to sometimes start redesigning which slows the whole process and results in a cluttered palette.
Even if you are recreating your room, kitchen or want something to make you feel good. Tape a few pictures to your wall. It helps when working inside on a beautiful sunny day.
Happy Friday!