Uniquely Spoon

brass and nickel spoon from anthropologie.com

With the holidays here entertaining is in full swing.  Part of my job as a designer of table linens is researching.  Lately I have been seeing many unique spoons that are so fun and of heirloom quality!

Porcelain spoons Hand-crafted by Brooklyn-based artist Michiko Shimada sold at terrain.com Perfect for stirring coffee and tea!

wooden double spoon.png

Possibly my favorite, one spoon, double duty.  Sold on etsy.com from Kitchen Carvings based in Colorado.  On one end you have your tablespoon and the other end your teaspoon. How fantastic is this!? Especially if you are a baker. OMG! Love it.

If you have in mind buying some new tableware or a unique gift for a kitchen lover, buy something different.

Happy shopping!


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