HEALTH & BEAUTY: Spruce Up Your Beauty Care

It’s the start of a new year. A time for resolutions. For 2015 to be an even better year.

The holidays have come and gone, and we’re starting off the new year by decluttering. Getting out from under the pile of boxes and mail that we set aside these past several months. Being organized contributes to our overall health and well being. And, this applies to our beauty routines as well. This means, cleansing our medicine cabinets of beauty care products that are toxic, have expired or gone rancid. Old and expired products may no longer be as effective and bacteria can build up that can lead to infections and breakouts.

Here are a few tips to organize and spruce up your beauty care:

  • Be cautious of products that include parabens, sulfates, artificial fragrances and artificial colors that can be harmful to the body. Rid your cabinets of products that contain these toxic ingredients.
  • Use the “sniff” test to help determine whether products should be replaced. If it smells bad, toss it.
  • Discard expired products. Cosmetic and beauty care products that are over a year old or have passed their expiration dates should be thrown away. This includes sunscreen, mascara, lipstick, eyeliner, moisturizer, etc.
  • Clean your makeup brushes and applicators. Use a gentle cleanser to avoid drying the bristles and let the applicators dry thoroughly before using.
  • Use bins to organize your makeup and beauty care products. If you have plastic storage containers or zip loc bags, those work too.

Take some time to cleanse and organize your beauty cabinets. Your body will thank you for it.

We wish you a wonderful and healthy 2015!

published by Susan Ng | |