Boosting Response on Facebook: 3 Creative Ideas

I love this web site for its great articles on social media marketing. They're always on the lookout for the latest trends and tips on what's working for people, and this one posted just last week about Facebook ranks among their best.


John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing recently shared with his insights about three tactics boosting response for him at Facebook. Feeling creative? With your next post, you might want to:

Use an image for your update.

Forget the blah, blah, blah. Upload a photo as your next status update! Then add a little descriptive copy and a link to your blog post (which can go into detail about your big announcement) in the "say something about the photo" box, Jantsch suggests. "I notice that when I do this I get … more views and more engagement," he says.

Use a tab for a call to action.

The space to the right of the About box will display four images (tabs) of your current pages or apps. The good news is you can create your own images in those spaces! Why not include a call to action in one of them? For instance, "if you want to send someone to a page to grab a free eBook, you can use an image to create the call to action," he advises.

Schedule your posts.

According to Jantsch, scheduling posts is no longer a professional no-no, and it might even get you more TLC at Facebook. He reports that his scheduled posts are getting seen by greater numbers. Why? Perhaps Facebook favors direct posts over those posted by third-party tools. "I know off hand that my direct content gets 30-50% more views then content from Buffer," he notes.

The Point:

A little creativity can go a long way online. Try a couple of clever tactics at Facebook to help raise your B2B social profile.

Until next time!

Mary Ann