A Crafty Questionnaire: Lisa Fu

Lisa Fu (known to her Aunt Bea as "Fu Baby!") is just finishing up a summer in residence at the {NewNew} Treasure Chest on Governor's Island (BTW, this weekend is the last weekend for the best pop-up store in New York City!!). Her Pretty Stationery for Beautiful Souls studio is the award-winning culmination of years of thinking about personal expression big and small.

As a stationery designer, Lisa focuses on helping people communicate their sentiments, whether in a grand wedding announcement or simple greeting to a loved one. Just the act of wanting to share a thought, a feeling, an emotion with someone, of taking the time to put it down on paper, inspires her to create the right context for personal expression. Lisa says knowing that her personal touch makes a difference is her biggest reward.

Like love delivered on a little note, Pretty Stationery for Beautiful Souls makes a lasting impression. Check her our this weekend at Governor's Island. You can also view Lisa's work on her website prettystationeryshop.com and purchase handmade note cards, invitations, and other pretty paper goods online at her Etsy shop.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My idea of perfect happiness is watching the sun rise (or set) on the beach. It's laying on the grass, looking up at the blue skies, watching the clouds go by. Or laughing so hard tears are falling and sides are hurting.

What is your greatest fear?
Not being able to finish everything on my "to do" list, and regretting I didn't take the time to do it.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Maya Lin is a sculptor and architect who is best known for designing the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Washington D.C., and more recently the Museum of Chinese in America here in New York City. Her designs are always deep with meaning even while being minimalist and clean lined. I'm a huge fan of minimalism and symbolism.

Which living person do you most admire?
My mom is the person I most admire. She rocks. She reused and recycled even before it was cool to do that.

Do you have a theme song, and what is it?
I don't have a theme song, but if I did, it would definitely involve some sort of happy island melody on an acoustic guitar. (Hey, someone wanna write me one?)

What is the trait you most like in yourself?
I love being creative. It's just who I am. I love being able to express myself in different forms, and being able to convey a feeling or emotion through design. The best thing about being creative is being able to attract other creative people and collaborate on all sorts of fun projects. It's very synergistic and rewarding at the same time.

What is the trait you most like in others?
Positivity. I really like people who look at the glass half full. We all have moments when we're down, but it's mentally draining to be around people who are constantly negative, and have nothing but complaints and criticism. I tend to avoid people who are negative, only because it takes away my focus on the bigger picture, (whatever that bigger picture may be at the time). Life is too short to be negative all the time.

What is your greatest extravagance?
I'm a pretty frugal person, but once in a while, I really feel the need to unplug from the rest of the world, so I'll do random searches for tropical destinations, and book myself a vacation. Currently working my way through all the "Saint" islands, (St. Thomas, St. John, St. Lucia...)

When and where were you happiest?
A couple years ago, my husband and I took a trip to St. John. It was our first real vacation together, and we had a blast. The soft powdery sand. The beautiful lush island, the crystal blue waters. I remember just floating in the sea and not having a care in the world. Just us and the beach. It was definitely a moment of bliss.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would love to be a bit more organized. I'm a right-brained person, I think most of my brain power goes to making things, not putting things away. By the end of the week, my studio looks like a tornado swept through. But I try!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
On a professional level, I'm most proud that I built this little award-winning studio with my own two hands. On a personal level, there's nothing quite like running and completing a marathon. Both require an extraordinary amount of dedication and commitment of time and energy. But the rewards of all that hard work is what makes me wanting to keep doing what I do on both levels.

If you were to be reincarnated as a person, animal, or thing, what do you think you would be?
I'd be a colorful, tropical bird hanging out in the rain forest, flying high and singing songs with my fair-feathered friends.

What is your most treasured possession?
My memories.

Which talent or skill would you most like to have?
I'd love to be able to play a musical instrument, either the piano or guitar. Learning music is on my "to do" list... So I guess I'll learn it and come up with my own theme song!

Who are your heroes in real life?
My family. They rock.

What is it the one thing you dislike the most?
Licorice. And fake lavender scents. Okay, that's two, but seriously, I really don't like either of those things.

What is your motto?
Do your best, and forget the rest. (Oh wait, that's from my work out DVDs.)

Who are your favorite artists?
I'm a big fan of Keith Haring and photographer Mary Ellen Mark. I love street art and photojournalism.

Is there any invention you wish you had thought of?
The camera. How cool is it that you can capture a moment of time with a click of a button?

What's the first thing you remember making?
I remember when I was around 3 or 4 sitting next to my mom when she used to work as a seamstress. She used to give me the scraps of kraft paper that separated the pieces she had to sew, so I can draw on them. I'd spend hours drawing figures until it was time for dinner. (To this day, I can still remember how to draw those figures.)

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