No-sew Upcycled Tee Shirt


Happy Earth Day All! To help you celebrate the holiday and being green throughout the year, I'm sharing a technique that lets you reuse old t-shirts that you can't seem to let go of, yet never wear. This also helps you reduce your material waste and upcycle instead of recycling without needle, thread, or a sewing machine! 

Before we start, grab one (or a few) t-shirt(s) from your drawer or closet  and get ready to breathe new life into your wardrobe. 

All you need for this project is:

  1. A tee shirt 
  2. A pair of sharp scissors
  3. More tee shirts, because you're going to want to do it again!

1. Start by laying your shirt flat, and cutting off the sleeves and collar. You can choose a V-neck, or cut the sleeves a little more if you like a skinnier tank-top strap.  

2. Next cut ten to fifteen horizontal two inch slits down each side of the shirt. Less cuts will give you a chunkier braid; more will result in a finer braid. I settled on eleven since this was not a very long tee.    

3. Now it's time to braid! Reach down into the loop created by your first cut.  

4. and pull the next loop up through the hole. If your loops are a little wide like mine, push the next loop up a little until you can grab it. 

5. Repeat with your remaining loops until you reach the bottom. You will see the braid start to take shape. If you aren't satisfied with the width, shake out your loops and cut more slits. Get creative! Make It your own!

6. When you reach the very bottom of your shirt, cut the last loop in half right at the seam. 

7. Pull the front tab of the last loop through your chain and tie it to the back tab. 

8. Done! Rock your flirty-cute, faux crochet-sided top! 

Post by Coleen Phoenixx

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